It’s that time of year where we end up spending more time indoors and get less sunlight, it’s dark when you finish work and you may just want to go home and curl up with a hot cup of tea, a blanket and the TV remote. Or you may not even want to get up in the morning and sleep in on weekends. You may even be snowed in for a few days depending on where you live.

So these Winter Blues may actually be Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It may show up differently for each person - some experience irritability, anxiety, feeling tired, grumpy, crave carbohydrates and some people just feel sad or depressed. The further you live from the equator, the greater your risks of experiencing SAD. It is also more common with women than with men.

If you temporarily experience any of those symptoms during the winter months, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Get some sunshine. Take advantage of those sunny days and get outside. Even on a cold day, find that sunspot (just like our pets do) and sit there for 10 minutes. Outside is best to breathe in some refreshing cold air - dress appropriately and soak in the rays. Some people find the indoor sun lamps helpful. Or if you are able, take a vacation to sunny location – a great way to rejuvenate.
  2. B Vitamins. Make sure you are getting foods rich in B6 and amino acids such as nuts, seeds, chicken, turkey, eggs, leafy greens, fish and legumes. You can also add a good quality supplement to your healthy diet. Also, stay away from the high carbohydrate “comfort” foods that you may be prone to reach for when feeling blue.
  3. Get in a sweaty workout. Even if you don’t feel like it, give yourself that extra push because you will feel better afterwards. Have you tried hot yoga yet? Give it a try! Don’t worry if you can’t do the poses - try your best. No one will judge you in a yoga studio.
  4. Have Fun. Plan something fun with your friends. You will have a good laugh and that will brighten up your day as well as your friends’ day.
  5. Vitamin D. If you can not get the natural sunlight to help your body make Vitamin D, take a supplement of liquid D3. I highly recommend this one from Metagenics
  6. Seek Help. If your symptoms of sadness/depression continue, find a local health professional to speak to.

I hope you have a bright and happy winter! Spring is just around the corner, according to Punxsutawney Phil 😉



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