Healthy Balance works with businesses and practitioners. Here are some ways we can work together:


Healthy Balance can be a trusted external resource for you to outsource your health coaching needs. Business cards and brochures can be provided for your establishment. Referral fee programs are available when allowed.


Healthy Balance can be an integral partner with your business, extending and expanding your services to include health coaching. Together we can establish an agreement defining the service offered, coaching logistics, financial details, etc.


Healthy Balance can be retained on a fixed cost/time basis to give your business a guaranteed block of service.
For example, a company may want to provide coaching services one day per week at their facility as an extension of their employee benefit program.


These educational workshops focus on implementing better and more natural nutrition, which in turn produces better health, reduced stress, increased productivity and improved overall well-being. The goal of every workshop is to inspire attendees to take significant and preventative steps for improved long-term health and wellness. Each workshop consists of a one-hour session incorporating visual aids and handouts related to the workshop topic. In addition, food samples related to the workshop topic may be served to each attendee. A small group format of 25-30 participants is recommended per workshop session. The workshop may be presented multiple times during the same day to allow for the various schedules of your employees. A variety of topics are offered and I can accomodate any requests to create a specific workshop for your needs.

Here are a few of the hot topics that I offer:

  • Beat the Sweets!: Sugar, we crave it, then eat too much of it.
  • What Is It About Gluten?: Gluten-free is all the rage. Why? And how can we do it effectively?
  • Heart-Healthy Eating: How to eat healthy for your heart
  • Eating for Energy: Running out of energy before the end of the day? Here is a healthy way to get energy through diet
  • Women's Health: For women of all ages, food to incorporate into your diet
  • Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate: Yes, it can be good for you, learn about how