I personally believe that everyone can benefit from supplements even if they have a healthy diet. Also, don't eat a non-healthy diet and expect supplements to get you healthy, you need to balance your diet, exercise and lifestyle first and fill in the gaps with supplements. There are so many supplement companies out there to choose from and it can be very overwhelming, but many are not tested for purity and safety and contain fillers that you do not need. I've chosen to use Metagenics for myself and offer to my clients because of their science, research and quality for their products. Metagenics approach is functional medicine which looks at an individual's health which is also my approach to health coaching. (For example, try to figure out what is causing the headache instead of taking something to get rid of it.) Metagenics also spends the time to research all ingredients before using them. They have the highest safety standards in the business, they ensure that every batch of ingredients are tested and they test throughout every stage of the process. The result? A higher level of purity, safety, and quality for reliably effective use.

You are invited to take the wellness assessment from Metagenics below to see what type of supplements they recommend for you.

Take the wellness assessment now!